Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"The Dilemma of the Male Pedophile" by Gunter Schmidt

This article discusses the various past and present discourses on pedophilia. Schmidt's argument is that the two main schools of thought, polarize and shift focus on the nature of adult/child sexual relationships (473). Some academics believe that the primary problem with pedophilia is it's denial of sexual self-determination (474); Schmidt argues that our current society is one of general sexual liberation, and that we do not condemn the majority of sexual acts we have in the past, because they operate between equal, consenting adults. It is the imbalance of power between man and child that causes moral outrage. However, pedophilic philosophy argues that children are naturally sexual beings, and are subverted by a culture which forbids them from embracing their sexuality (476). This statement has been supported by sexual scientist, Kinsey, but is extremely controversial; many scientists today argue that the biological and emotional perceptions of sexuality by children is different (476). Because of this, relations between man and child are uneven. Overall, the article concludes that sexual contact between man and child has high potential for trauma, although he admits that there are many cases of relations between men and children that are reportedly positive (476). Schmidt calls the pedophile's plight "tragic" (477) because they are born into a sexuality (not unlike homosexuality) which is fundamentally unsupported by moralists, humanitarians, and society at large. For this, Schmidt argues, pedophiles deserve respect for the burden they bear (477) .

This is quite a stirring article, for some of its postulates are quite controversial, but it is so well written and clarified, that I found myself almost understanding. There is a great deal of tragedy that seems to accompany pedophiles in film- they are both aware and unable to control their unacceptable desires. But for this, are we supposed to sympathize with these criminals? Does doing so let them off the hook? Absolve them? Maybe even admit to gazing at the eroticized child, as well?

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